Writing the Half-Hour Pilot

WGA member Jackie Geary was a working actor for 15 years before she wrote her first half-hour pilot... and it wasn't great. But things got better, and in 2018 she had her first half-hour pilot optioned by Warner Brothers. In 2019 they optioned another, and during the 20-21 season, the had a third half-hour comedy, The Quiet Zone, developed for TBS, with Warners producing. She currently has four new projects in development, with three major production companies.

In this 10-week zoom class, you'll spend 5 weeks as a group with Jackie talking about genre, structure, and technique. The other 5 weeks will be spent in one-on-one 30 minute private sessions with Jackie -- you'll experience the very same notes calls that she herself has with top production execs. The other two sessions will be spent as needed, to get you to the finish line.

This class will be a challenging one, but also a lot of fun. Best of all, you'll finish the class with YOUR VERY OWN LOGLINE, PITCH DOC, OUTLINE AND HALF-HOUR COMEDY PILOT.

An interview with Jackie is required for admission -- please contact us here to set up a time. A writing sample may also be required.

$475 a month for two and a half months - $1187.50 total for 10 weeks. Please allow ample time outside of class for assignments; remember, no matter how much Jackie talks to you, only you can sit down and write your pilot.

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